Hope and Light Schools 2014 to 2018
There is a severe shortage of school places in Western Cape, but the local Education Department is prevented by the South African Constitution from funding faith schools in any way. Indeed, the Government has been debating whether to ban all Christian teaching in State schools.
In 2014, Hope and Light took the first steps towards it’s goal of creating permanent buildings, to provide not only a Primary School, but also a High School, and Special Needs classes, and Life Skills training for children who would benefit from training in Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical Work, Dress-making, Cooking etc.
Until 2016 all the children's classes were all accommodated in mobile classrooms, with several further similar mobiles housing the administration offices, school kitchen, and the toilet block.
Funds were raised to enable the purchase of 20,000 square metres of land just outside the village, on the road from the village to the nearby town of Somerset West.
Finally, in 2016, permanent construction began on the site. By 2018, continued fund-raising and many generous donations meant that all the Primary School classes now occupy the new buildings, together with all the offices, kitchens and toilet facilities. And in January 2019 the first class of students took their places in the newly-constructed Hope and Light High School